Business Type:Trader
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Aazaan International
We are professional supplier of Air Purification Systems,Contamination Control.
Business Type:Trader
Ddu Verified
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The Cleanroom Series provides maximum control of airborne particulates. It is designed for cleanrooms, labs and other environments up to Class 100. Air is drawn in at the bottom of the system and into the powerful antimicrobial high-accumulation, high-capacity PreMax pre-filter. This is an industrial ASHRAE class F8 micro-pleat filter with 7.0 m2 of surface area. More than 55% of all particles 0.3 microns or larger are filtered at this point. The New Edition fan powerfully draws air through the pre-filter and into the IQAir HyperHEPA antimicrobial hospital-grade filter. The HyperHEPA filter also features 5.5 m2 of surface area, certified and proven to filter 99.97% of all particles 0.3 microns and larger and 99.5% of all particles down to 0.003 microns in diameter. These are the smallest particles that exist. Bacteria, viruses, combustion particles and virtually any other particles in the air are efficiently and effectively removed by the Cleanroom Series.
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